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Travel Guide
Camping at Sam Sand Dunes
Remote Jeep and Camel Safaris

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1 Night, 2 Day Safari
  • The trip will start at 7.30 in the morning, with a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 8.
  • During the safari, luggage can be securely kept in our locked store room at the Roop Mahal Hotel.
  • A list of items that we suggest you bring with you can be found at the bottom of the email.
  • Visitors will be driven in a jeep to a remote location 60km away from the city. This journey usually takes around 1 and a half hours.
  • Each person will be provided with their own camel. Our experienced camel men can lead guests at first; they will also have their own camels. If after a while guests feel comfortable alone they are welcome to ride with more freedom – our camels are exceptionally well trained.
  • The first camel ride will last around 2 and a half hours, with the option to stop at a small desert village. (If visitors wish to take photos of the villagers they encounter, it is always more polite to ask permission first. Our camel men will happily ask for you when requested. The children in the villages often ask for chocolates and pens, you are welcome to offer these to them but are also not obliged to do so).
  • Between 12 and 3pm, you will stop under a tree for a lunch break in the shade. The camel men use mineral water to prepare freshly cooked vegetarian desert meals. Mineral water, tea and coffee are also provided. Sometimes guests choose to bring books, playing cards or other small games to enjoy during these relaxing lunch breaks.
  • At 3.15, camel riding will continue. This ride usually lasts a further 2 and a half hours, plus a short stop at a small desert village.
  • Visitors will arrive at an isolated sand dune location in time to explore the dunes and enjoy an uninterrupted desert sunset. Meanwhile, the camel men will prepare a clean and safe place for guests to eat a freshly prepared desert dinner and spend the night.
  • The desert skies at night are very clear with little light pollution. Shooting stars, satellites and even the Milky Way are visible most nights. Because of this, most of our guests choose to spend a night in the open under the stars; however tents are available when requested in advance at an extra cost. Clean and comfortable bedding is provided free of charge (bedroll, swag). Raised beds can also be provided at a small extra cost.
  • In the morning after sunrise, breakfast is provided. This includes porridge, fresh fruit, tea and coffee, boiled eggs, toast with jam and, of course, mineral water.
  • The second days safari will commence between 8 and 8.30am.
  • The camels will take you through the beautiful desert landscape where there is plenty of wildlife to experience. A number of desert animals can be found, including the Great Indian Bustard and Blackbuck, as well as smaller animals and birds. This journey will take between 2 and a half and 3 hours.
  • A freshly prepared lunch will be provided in a shaded area between 12 and 3pm.
    • (At this time, for tourists who have travel schedules for the late afternoon and evening, there is an option to return by jeep at around 3pm. A room will be provided for guests to freshen up and we are also happy to drive guests to the station – both free of charge).
  • After lunch, for those who choose to stay longer in the desert, the next camel journey will last around an hour and a half.
  • The jeep will collect guests from their final desert location at 5pm to return to the city for 6pm.

About us and our camels.

All of our safaris are conducted on dromedaries, one-hump Jaisalmeri camels, world famous for their speed, hardness and their ability to go hundreds of kilometers without food and water. Dromedaries are small with slender necks. In Rajasthan, desert dwellers are proud of their camels and they are looked after with great care. A camel safari is the perfect way to experience the rich and unique nature of the desert and it is our foremost objective to ensure that you enjoy it at its best.

General riding instructions.

The camel is a lovely and tame animal, however, certain care must be taken and instructions observed to make your ride as comfortable and safe as possible.

  • When mounting the camel, lean back and make sure your saddle is comfortably fitted.
  • Hang your backpack on the saddle-front handle.
  • When the camel stands up or sits down, lean back again and hold the reins (mori) tightly.
  • Always hold the reins when riding, as you will be rocked gently back and forth.
  • When turning right, pull the right rein gently into the right direction, when turning left, pull the left one to the left.
  • For galloping, pull both reins together slowly and give the camel a slight kick, on both sides, with your legs.
  • To make the camel stop, pull both reins backwards quickly.
  • To make the camel sit down, pull both rains and say the word "Jhu Jhu".
  • To start walking again, just pull the reins up again.

Our trained drivers will give you a demonstration of the above before the start of the trip. Never provoke a camel or give any sort of food to it!

What to bring with you.

  • A hat, cap or turban.
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses.
  • A long sleeved shirt, long trousers and sneakers, or another type of solid shoes. Remember, the sun is fierce!
  • A camera.
  • Toilet paper and a towel.
  • A diary, pen, a book to read, cards or other games.
  • A first aid kit (just in case).
  • A big smile and a positive attitude.

Food and mineral water will be provided at all times. Our cooks use only mineral water when preparing meals. All the food is vegetarian and freshly prepared over a campfire. You do not need a sleeping bag, as you will be given clean bedrolls, which will keep you warm and protect you from the sand.

Important information.

You are likely to encounter local people who will tell you that they can arrange a cheaper safari for you. This is probably true, however, we can guarantee only the freshest food ingredients, water and clean bedding. On top of this, we pride ourselves in the non-touristic nature of our safaris; this is not something readily available elsewhere. Most other safari companies visit the same sets of dunes where countless other groups of tourists run into one another. We can guarantee that on our trips that take you further into the desert, you will not run into any other tourists – or we will offer compensation!

Namastey! Just got back from a 3 day safari it was awesome, great food, great Guides, great Camels, great desert experience. Highly recommend it, our best adventure get in India

Allison (Australia)